As for the best Magento 2 plugin to convert my store into multiple vendors platform, which one should I go for? Already a lot of them out there but I really need the one with responsive and user-friendly Seller Cpanel. I want it to be powerful enough to get me total control of their products, sales, invoices, shipments, and credit memos, such kind of things. Also, I expect it would help me reviews and ratings for products and services from customers. Thanks!
Hi Rosii,
Here is the Magento 2 Marketplace Extension which fits your request.
Let's explore Outstanding Features:
Sale off -25% until to 08/31/2017. You save $100.00
Price: $299
Puts your website on top position by letting vendors/ sellers manage a wide range of things by themselves easily. Our Magento 2 marketplace extension helps you turn everything into an automatic online marketplace like Amazon, eBay, Etsy...You sellers can take a full control of their products, sales, invoices, shipments, credit memos using a Seller Cpanel. Also, Customer can give reviews and rating for sellers as well as their products & services.
Note: You will get Free Magento Installation Service for all Paid Extension on Landofcoder.
We hope that this Magento 2 Marketplace Extension will help you well.
Best regards,
Hi Maikabui:
What does the price include apart from installation?
UNLIMITED transactions?
UNLIMITED stores/vendors/Sellers/Gateways?
One off payment or monthly? (I won't buy anything where greedy ones want to live off other people's work...)
Does it include all the other functionalities like:
Reward Points
Hi Vipglobal,
Thanks for your interest and your question in this extension Magento 2 Marketplace:
My answer is:
This discount price: $299 until 31.8.2017. Now, it returns normal price: $399
For promotion: Please check at:
Payment is a one-time payment. YOu don't need to pay any extra fee.
Our Installation is only our addition service which we support our customers to build Landofcoder extension perfectly and saving-time. This Free Installation is not a promotion. Our price doesn't affect on Installation. So if you use our Free Installation or not, marketplace Extension price remains $399.
For transaction and gateways: In my point, 10+ gateways is so enough for you. Because transaction and gateways require high security. So 10+ popular gateways is very sufficient.
There are 10+ most popular gateways supported including PayPal, Authorize.Net, Braintree, Sage Pay, Google Checkout, Amazon Payment, WePay, 2CheckOut, Dwolla, Skrill (Moneybookers). Multiple Payment gateway helps your market to sell in any country, with tax rates built-in."
About functionalities:
Reward Points
You can use Magento 2 Reward Points for your Admin. For Seller, we are updating. If you have any question for reward point for Seller, pls feel free to contact to live chat on, our support team will help you.
Help Desk Extension:
You can use Magento 2 Help desk Extension. For plugin Magento 2 Marketplace Help desk Extension, we are developing it.
Hope that you will get useful information about Magento 2 Marketplace Extension. If you have any question, please feel free to contact us Via
Live chat on
Best regards,
Maika Bui
Best regards,