Hi Damian,
I did get module installed on Magento with the help of your comments. Can you please suggest any idea of how to import the we.retail sample catalog to Magento?
you can download the aem connector in below link .
inside the magento2-aem-connector-master.zip there is a two folder
In AEM side follow the steps:
i) after downloading extract the aem-connector and go the blow location
magento2-aem-connector-master\aem-connector\ui.apps\src\main\content\jcr_root\apps\commerce\gui\content\catalogs\importblueprintswizard\importers\magento here one content file available open and change the line 3 jcrrimaryType="nt:unstructured" to jcr
rderedfolder" and
jcrrimaryType="nt:unstructured" to jcr
rderedfolder" save it both product and catalog file. upload to the aem connector to eclipse and build the package using maven commands
mvn clean install -P installPackage . check the package available in AEM package manager
http://localhost:4502/system/console/bundles magento bundle in active state.
http://localhost:4502/system/console/configMgr under
configure the Magento identity provider, synchandler,external login module....
magento2-aem-connector-master\aem-connector\readme --folloe the file.
if you have any clarification about aem with magento integration please mail me : padmanabhan.sbu@gmail.com
Thank you
Hi @padmanabhan_gnanasekaran ,
I have installed the aem connector in aem and and also Infield module in Magento.
My local Magento server is http://localhost:80/magento/index.php
In AEM OSGi configuration -> Magento Identity Provider -> Magento 2 server configuration
Should I have to give my Admin Url or http://localhost:80/magento/index.php ??
Please help. !
you can give your Magento server url. Or you can try with CIF connector. use adobe IO run-time it is the best way to integrate AEM with Magento.
follow this link :
CIF Conntector: https://github.com/adobe/commerce-cif-connector
it will be installed on AEM, not on Magento,
to create maven project with basic readiness for Magento integration: https://github.com/adobe/aem-cif-project-archetype
AEM Core CIF components: https://github.com/adobe/aem-core-cif-components