i'm looking for an extension to show the product in the price range to get the free shipping.
If free shipping is at 100€ un my basket i have an order of 80€ i need to show a box:
"you need more 20€ for gain the free shipping, here the product for 20€ or more"
Hopefully i can explain myself.
Thanks in advance!
Hello @zerod10
You can have a look at this extension - Promo Banners
It will help you display the promotion you need as well as a list of products that matches the condition.
thanks for you reply
if my free delivery is set at 100€ (for example) and in my cart i have 70 € the plugin show me the product from 30€ and more to add for gain the free delivery condition?
also for mobile version?
Yes. But you will need to choose the products that will be shown. This can be done on the products tab which appears once you set "Show Products" to Yes.