Bonjour tous, est ce que quelqu'un pourrait m'aider?
Le premier jour ou j'ai installé Magento je me suis inscrit avec un compte customer et c'etait reussi. Mais le aujoud'hui je me suis connecté sur le login et j'ai cette erreur.
NB: Le login côté admin marche tres bien, merci
Invalid Form Key. Please refresh the page.
Hello @iarilala_randri ,
Please ask hosting provider to increase php_value max_input_vars 180000 in server's php.ini.
max_input_vars = 180000
Then clear the magento cache and browser cache and check again.
If still you face any issue, let me know.
Thank you for your help, it's work with firefox but still "Invalid Form Key. Please refresh the page" on Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome.
My php is already updated by max_input_vars = 180000 and I can check it with this
php -r "echo ini_get('max_input_vars').PHP_EOL;"
this is the cmd that clear the cache right?
php -f bin/magento cache:flush
Hello @iarilala_randri ,
Please execute the following query from your database :
DELETE FROM core_config_data WHERE path='web/cookie/cookie_domain'; DELETE FROM core_config_data WHERE path='web/cookie/cookie_path';
And then clear your browser cache and magento cache.
Finally, delete all Local Storage, Session Storage and Cookies for the new domain in browser. If you're using Chrome, just right-click, Inspect and go to the "Application" tab and clear those areas.
Note: Please take the backup of db before executing any query.
If it helps you, please accept it as solution and give kudos.
If it helps you, please accept it as solution Regards
Thank you, I still don't have a time to check it. I work on firefox.
I'll will tell you when I'll know if it is works or not.