J'ai un message d'erreur sur un module que je n'avais pas avant... ne charge pas le footer de la partie admin.. va chercher un fichier issu de extjs
Mixed Content: The page at '<URL>' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure image '<URL>'. This content should also be served over HTTPS
was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure image '
This content should also be served over HTTPS.
Je ne pense pas qu'il y ait une différence entre ces deux parce que geometry dash
Si vous expliquez votre problème plus, peut-être que nous pouvons vous aider plus facilement.
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It's simple! Find and delete all http, it's ok. I have fixed for, and it's ok now.
I use simple code to redirect
This is dangerous because the insecure resources ...
The page at was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure image. This content should also be served over HTTPS. @dotsnel
You need to take the time to wait for the certificate to fully update then your image address will definitely be converted to https status. I hope this answer is helpful to you and I would be nyt strands happy if I could be of any assistance to you.