Nach 1,90 to 1.92 - update, bei der Benutzeranmeldung ist ein Feld aufgetaucht. (Middle Name/Initial)
Wo kann ich es ausblenden? Template?
Hello there,
I too had the same issue.
Somehow I got it to work. This is want I did and I request you to try it and check if it solves the issue.
1. Open Magento DB and go to the table core_config_data .
2. Search for the path - customer/address/middlename_show .
3. Edit Value field for customer/address/middlename_show and change it to 1 . Generally, this will be 0 (zeor) by default.
4. Save the table.
5. Clear Cache. Preferably delete the folder Cache and Session present in var folder.
6. Login to Magento admin and go to the following location:
--> System --> Configuration --> CUSTOMERS --> Customer Configuration
7. Under "Name and Address Options" tab, now the option for "Show Middle Name (initial)" will be shown as "Yes".
8. Change it to "No".
9. Save Config and clear Cache.
Now, check if this has solved the issue.
Problemm ist gelöst, Danke!
thinking mind. spared my time working!
Thanks a lot. Works!