Introducing DevExchange for developers attending Imagine 2017
After much consideration, we've decided to switch things up this year and revamp BarCamp into a new developer focused event called DevExchange, which will be held on Wednesday, April 5, 2017, between 2:00 to 5:00 pm.
DevExchange is your chance to kick back, discuss key developer topics, and learn how your peers are tackling the same challenges. From now through March 3, you can head over to our Magento Imagine DevExchange 2017 board and submit topics that are most interesting to you. Whether you’re submitting topics or interested in discussing them, be sure to vote for your favorites so we know which ones to select for the event! Interested in leading a discussion? Volunteer on the topic post.
More details are available in our news and announcements.
Developer Relations, Adobe Experience Cloud
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