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Display price range of a product

Display price range of a product

If you have created a Configurable product with 3 Simple products.


Style A Picture Frames (configurable)

3" x 4"  $15.00 (simple)

8" x 6"  $25.00 (simple)

10" x 12"  $35.00 (simple)


1. How can you display the price range on the product listing (category) page, for all products priced by attribute?


2. And the lowest price of the three sizes be dispalyed on the product page itself, and picked and shown by default?


I would appreciate your help.



Running Magento

Re: Display price range of a product

Any one?

Running Magento

Re: Display price range of a product

I am having the same problem. The Magento User Guide even shows an example of  price ranges: but I cannot figure out how to show this on the catalog.




Very frustrating.

Re: Display price range of a product


I do not understand why no Magento developers are responding to this thread? it shows right in the actual Magento 1.9 User Guide a configurable item with a price range. How do you enable this???


Someone either please answer this or whoever is responsible for creating the user guide to remove that graphic.




Thank you.Price Range

Re: Display price range of a product

Hi @kevinm2

This module can solve your first issue (show price range): Pro Configurable Product Grid View Extension but I am not sure about your second requirement. 


Re: Display price range of a product

You posted this in the wrong category.

Might be the reason no one is answering

Re: Display price range of a product

Since Magento does not use the simple product’s (child’s) real price but rather the value set as price difference to the parent product, you can’t use the normal getPrice() method to determine the price of the child product. Well we got the correct prices on the detail page of the products, so they have to be retrievable somehow.

class Outsourcing4work_catalog_helper_data extends Mage_Core_Helper_Data
public function shouldDisplayMinimalPrice($product)
if (Mage::registry('product')) {
return false;

if (!$product->isConfigurable()) {
return false;

$item = Mage::getResourceModel('catalog/product_type_configurable_attribute_collection')

$prices = array();
foreach ($item->getPrices() as $price) {
$prices[] = $price['pricing_value'];

return (count(array_unique($prices)) > 1);

Furthermore, the helper returns false if the product is not configurable at all or the customer is currently visiting a detail page – assuming you’re using the helper in the price template and don’t want to display the label there. If you do, just remove this check or add a flag as the second parameter.

Finally, to use the helper, simply call it anywhere in your Magento code, for instance in a template:

<?php if (Mage::helper('Outsourcing4work_catalog')->shouldDisplayMinimalPrice($product)) : ?>
<!-- Print label etc. -->
<?php endif; ?>

Re: Display price range of a product



As I have checked , please follow this blog to get the resolution for Displaying price range of a product - Magento .


Cheers Smiley Happy