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Trouble creating user for installation


Trouble creating user for installation

I'm trying to install the latest version of the community edition on a hosted web site.  I've been using the instructions here:


I created the database magento but I'm having trouble with the next instruction:

 GRANT ALL ON magento.* TO magento@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'magento';


GRANT ALL ON magento.* TO magento@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'magento'; 

My host won't let me run this SQL command and I can't create the user through the site's SQL interface either.  If I create a user "magento" with password "magento"  I get a security error (pass can't be same as user).  And I can't create a user named "magento@localhost" because the name is too long.


Any suggestions?  Am I doing something wrong?


Accepted Solutions

Re: Trouble creating user for installation

The MySQL user that is stated in the installation guide is "magento", not "magento@localhost". Anyway you are free to set the MySQL user as any name as long as you remember it during the installation process. 


You should also set a MySQL password which is different from your username. 

View solution in original post


Re: Trouble creating user for installation

The MySQL user that is stated in the installation guide is "magento", not "magento@localhost". Anyway you are free to set the MySQL user as any name as long as you remember it during the installation process. 


You should also set a MySQL password which is different from your username.