Hi there, this morning we upgraded our magento site from 1.7 to 1.9.
I've fixed several know issues but can't seem to fix the checkout problem.
I know that i've need to adjust several template files
(because its a 1.7 theme which doesn't work with 1.9).
But which code do i search for and with what do i have to replace it with.
Hope someone can point me in the right direction!
The main change from 1.7 > 1.9 will be the form keys on the frontend.
Basically anywhere you have a <form> you will need to add a form_key too now. The form key takes the form of a hidden input field -you can copy this form the base templates and you should be good to go.
Good luck.
<?php echo $this->getBlockHtml('formkey') ?>
Needs to be added within the form tags on the checkout pages.
One place to check is the file located app/design/frontend/<package>/<theme>/template/checkout/onepage/review/info.phtml. If your theme overrides that file then you will need to make sure the js that instantiates the review looks like this in your theme file.
<script type="text/javascript">
review = new Review('<?php echo $this->getUrl('checkout/onepage/saveOrder', array('form_key' => Mage::getSingleton('core/session')->getFormKey())) ?>', '<?php echo $this->getUrl('checkout/onepage/success') ?>', $('checkout-agreements'));
Notice it now has a form key.