My product has a 0 "In Stock" quantity and the textbox is grayed out so I cannot edit it.
The 3 configured products each have a stock quantity of 1
How can I show a quantity of 3 or 1 or at least get the product to not be out of stock?
screen shot -->
Thank you
Did you work out a fix?
I have the same issue, all of my configurable products have stock but the "master" (sorry new to magento and not familiar with the terminology) product has 0 stock with greyed out text box so can't edit.
Any help would be appreciated
Actually I found a dirty hack - this is what Magento does to me as it doesn't seem to work as it should....
UPDATE cataloginventory_stock_item SET qty = '100.0000' where product_id = xxx
Obviously xxx is the product_id showing in ID column on Catalog page.
Hope this helps someone