Hi @Kayz
I understand the trouble you are facing.
But yes Magento 2 have some pre-define and pre-requisite technology stack if your server have ready with that specific technology stack then i think it will not that much problematic to install the Magento 2 .
For tech stack refer this link - https://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.3/install-gde/system-requirements-tech.html
On your second point after installation its slow - yes that's true - compare to Magento 1 - Magento 2 required more resource to work as faster - like if you are working on local - it require SSD to work more on faster manner.
Hope it helps !
Thank you for your response.
I am using a dedicated server here are my specs:
Xeon E3-1270v5 CPU
4x3.6GHz 8MB Cache
1TB SATA + 1TB SATA Storage
The first thing i ensure is my server has all the basic requirements which it has. Is the above spec not good enough for Magento 2 on a dedicated server?
Hello @Kayz
Your configuration seems ok at some point,
For slow, I will mention some points
1. Make sure cache is enabled.
2. Website is in production mode?
3. Try configuring redis and varnish cache.
4. Make sure you are using Magento optimized hosting service provider, i have seen very bad performance with Godaddy dedicated hosting in past.