Trying to get a local Magento 2.4.2p1 implementation on my Mac with MAMP and Big Sur.
Got the latest MAMP and set ports to 80, got composer 2.1.1, MAMP has php 7.4.12 - should all be good.
But when I try to do a composer install of Magento (in the proper document root), I get a php error - no intl. This shouldn't be - I'm wondering if this is a PATH issue to the right php? It shows apache's is 7.3.24 so I know it's not using the right php, plus a php -m shows no intl. The MAMP phpinfo() page's php 7.4 has everything in place.
The config file path in MAMP to php (in the MAMP profile screen) is:
The Mac terminal path is (echo $PATH):
Bottom line is that my Mac terminal is not using the same php as MAMP thinks it should be.
Is the PATH my issue? If not, what?
Just had another thought - is this something I need to change in my httdp.conf file?
Maybe add a LoadModule statement pointing to the right php?
I can try that later and see if that helps, but I would think that MAMP handles that since clearly the php module loads......
Hello @SJ_Med
Are you following this tutorial?
Please confim intl php extension is enabled. If not then