Hi everyone,
I installed Magento on localhost. Everything went fine, but unfortunately the backend isn't working properly. The icon is missing and the buttons are not clickable. By pressing F12, I discovered, that it could not load some files. It appears, that the files are missing in the backend directory - ext-all.css, require.js, etc.
How can I solve this, so it will have everything ready after installation?
Thanks in advance!
Did you try to run following command in Magento2 root
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
Please refer this link Deploy static view files
Thanks for your reply, but didn't help. This video resolved things:
I am doing everything as in video but it does not work.
Backend won't work and Unclickable Buttons appearing.
I changed all permissions to 755 manually for the folder which shown on the video. Everythings work fine.