In the final step of Magento Installer (Step6: Install), the process freeze in a progress installing...76%.
The console log shows this step:
"Module 'Magento_CustomerSampleData':
Installing data.. "
And no more messages.
How can resume the installation process and complete?
1) Check installation: ./var/install.log, if there is an error.
2) Try to install using CLI command:
magento setup:install
See full command format here: http://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.0/install-gde/install/cli/install-cli-install.html
After about 12 attempts, I gave up trying to do a Magento 2 install WITH sample data on a shared server.
The only thing that worked for me was to use PHP7 and install without the sample data
then afterwards load the sample data by following the instructions
#curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
mv it to bin directory in your $PATH and rename it to take the .phar off (make sure it’s executable)
#composer update
The username is PUBLIC KEY (from Magento site – see Connect section)
The password is PRIVATE KEY (from Magento site – see Connect section)
You need to run the following to force the sampledata download
php /home/mydomainname/public_html/bin/magento sampledata:deploy
Once composer installed and updated then need to run update:-
php /home/mydomainname/public_html/bin/magento setup:upgrade