I have installed magento2 2.4.7. it is running on my dedicated server. OS: debian 12 nginx php 8.3.12 mariadb 10.11.6
currently I managed to log in to mag.mydomain.de/adminxxx
The login screen looks normal. but once I log in, it looks like it is missing formatting of the displayed page:
I have found a soulution in another forum online:
alias mage="php -d memory_limit=-1 -f bin/magento" chmod -R 775 pub/static/ var/ pub/media/ && rm -rf var/view_preprocessed/ var/cache/ var/page_cache/ var/tmp/ var/generation/ pub/static/frontend/ ; mage setup:upgrade && mage setup:db-data:upgrade && mage dev:source-theme:deploy && mage cache:flush && mage setup:static-content:deploy; chmod -R 775 pub/static/ pub/media/ var/
It worked for me!
but here is the next problem:
I entered the first product, which worked find.
Once I switch to the shop frontend and select a category I get this message:
1 exception(s): Exception #0 (BadMethodCallException): Missing required argument $clientClass of Magento\AdvancedSearch\Model\Client\ClientFactory.