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strange web interfaces in magento admin panel and frontend

strange web interfaces in magento admin panel and frontend

After I finally got installed magento locally on windows 10 with wamp, wamp had to start in compatibility mode with XP and service pac 3. Then I could install magento. After some errors had to be corrected in, I was ready for signing in the admin control panel, but this was what I got when I entered web address like this: localhost / www / admin, then I got this error message given path is not to be found on this server. after much searching online I found out that I had to have index.php front admin to get for logging admin. it did not stop there. Now look admin panel and front like this see pic see the link below. What should I do to correct this. very grateful for answers. and I am very wary of buying a license when it should be so difficult to install. I can understand that they then choose joomla and virtuemart, but I hope I'm wrong if I get this up and running so I get to see how good magento is. Hope I have not Huffy someone by mentioning joomla. go to this  link:!6250&authkey=!AMvkfMgZdcAnxJU&v=3&ithint=phot...


to the screenshot of the admin panel. Have tried the link and it was ok, hope it works here too.




Tore Norway..