Welcome to "Just Ask Alan"! I am the Magento Chief Architect, which means I know a little about a lot of things in Magento 2. Feel free to ask any question on Magento 2, and I will try to steer you in the right direction. This is not a replacement for other forum groups - for example I will not normally be solving deep technical installation problems here. Also this area does not mean you will get your GitHub issue answered quicker. This area has a rule of "no question is a silly question" - I will attempt to answer or redirect all questions to the appropriate place. So a good place if you get stuck and don't know where to go next. As a final note, I am planning to have times I "hang out" here to try and give fast responses during those times (with a tweet from @akent99 announcing such times). Other times there is no guarantee to a timely response.
So what do you want to know? (Please create a separate message per question to help me track them.)