Have had an issue with a site running CE where the front end search suddenly stops working - any search returns nothing at all, even though it worked the previous day!
I found a fix - in Admin, I had to select all the products, go to Actions->Update Attributes then in the Websites tab add them all to the Main Website (the only one listed) and save - this site has not ever had any additional sites added and the Websites tab does not show when you edit a product.
Does anyone know why this would suddenly happen to a site that has been working fine for over a year?
When this happens, have you tried re-indexing before doing anything else?
In Sysyem > Index Management
Rebecca Troth
Cheers Rebecca - tried that but reindexing doesn't fix it.
It hasn't happened for a while, so, I'm hoping it's fixed!
I got the same problem. Running version 1.9.1 and from one day to the next, search returns no result. I did an reindex of Catalog Search Index, which did not helped. Using the same fix as batting46 (Updating attribute -> Website) helped.
I also found that if I created an database backup (from Admin) something was not right with that. It was smaller in size and I got en error when trying to import into a local backup site. Not sure these two things are connected - but I guess they are.
Have someone found a better solution then updating every product?
Best, Magnus