Is it possible to export the meta description of pages? I'd like to mass change our shipping policy which is basically mentioned everywhere, by searching and replacing certain digits. Pimcore is our DAM system if that helps.
Thanks in advance.
Hi @tamara_plancke,
You can get meta_description of the CMS pages using following query.
SELECT meta_description FROM `cms_page`
You can replace using mysql query as well.
for above example:
UPDATE cms_page SET `meta_description` = REPLACE(`meta_description`,'OLD TEXT','NEW TEXT');
It will replace OLD TEXT to NEW TEXT in whole table.
I hope it will help you!
Hi Tamara,
That depends on what type of pages you want to export data from. In your Magento 1.9.x admin, you can proceed to System --> Import/Export --> Export
You can select Product and CSV, and export a CSV file (spreadsheet) that will include Meta Descriptions.
Best of luck!
Thanks for replying. Basically all category pages and preferably also document pages that were created in PIM. I've tried the export function through the system panel. It gives me the option to choose product categories in CSV format with attributes such as the name and various meta related items, but the final file doesn't contain these?
At first, it may seem counterintuitive, but when you're preparing to export, resist the urge to check the boxes for which fields you want. This has the opposite effect. The checkboxes are actually for which fields you want to "skip". The more you use it, the more it makes sense since it typically makes the process of setting up your export faster.
I left everything unchecked and it seems it only pulled a few attributes?
I just checked and in theory this should work yet the values I'm given are completely off. It doesn't even include these meta attributes. Do you have any idea what's causing this? It's as if it doesn't recognize these attributes to extract.