How do you find the location of the source code for a webpage? Is it through the "inspect element" tool? Thank you very much.
Go to System->Config
Choose your store view then click on Developer at the bottom and choose Debug
You can then choose template hints which will show you the templates being used.
So I went to the admin panel under system->config under the heading debug, the only option is "profiler" I switched it from no to yes. Is that what you meant?
That's the one.
Another way to do this which can be faster, if you're using a Mac, is to inspect source (eg. using Firebug in Firefox), find a unique bit of code (eg. some front-facing text, or a series of class names) and pop them into the Mac finder window, where you're in your local repo source. If you put a " in front of the text you should see the file where the text is, with a handy file-path breadcrumb set at the bottom of the window.
Hello Nothon,
For example, I go to, I use the "inspect element" tool, you can see some thing like this:
You can see skin/frontend/default/ma_elecstore/
+default is your current package
+ma_elecstore is your current template.
Login into Magento Admin, System > Configuration > GENERAL > Design, you can see your website configuration:
Now, we can predict your current package, we can go to local source and find current package and template:
You also want to know how I know exactly your template files? You should read more here:
Hope this information is useful for you.