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How to clear cache of single product

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How to clear cache of single product

Greetings of the day !!


I am using lesti fpc to speedup my site. I am also using some feeds to update stock. For this I am using Magmi over cron.

Now I want to clear cache of few products. Which goes out of stock(using feed via magmi).

What I am trying is ?


Because Magmi running outside magento. /magmi/integration/scripts/mycode.php I included files like below

Mage::getSingleton(‘fpc/fpc’) ->clean(sha1(‘product_1738));

On debuging. 1) I found SHA1 is building right tag 2) Clean function is working. Even $res in clean function is 1 as clean return.

BUT Smiley Sad Cache is not clearing for this product 1738

Is there something wrong is my-flow ?

Please HELP !!!


i already asked this question on the following sites but no one ans my question. Please help me Smiley Sad


Re: How to clear cache of single product

Hey did you get solution of this?  I am also looking for help to clear the cache for products.


Do you know what name it store the product cache and how can flush cache tags for those?


Could you please help?


Looking forward to hearing from you.

Re: How to clear cache of single product

Hello @dvyas_chts,



If you really wanted to you could also clean just one or more cache types. This is actually how the admin section does it. Under Mage_Adminhtml_CacheController::massRefreshAction

You can see that it loops through all the parameters types and calls the following

$tags = Mage::app()->getCacheInstance()->cleanType($type);
Mage::dispatchEvent('adminhtml_cache_refresh_type', array('type' => $type));$updatedTypes++;

Possible types are as follows:

  1. config
  2. layout
  3. block_html
  4. translate
  5. collections
  6. eav
  7. config_api
  8. config_api2

And these can be returned by calling Mage::app()->getCacheInstance()->getTypes();



If my answer is useful, please Accept as Solution & give Kudos