I have a multi store that is using two domains. domainA.com and domainB.com.
I want to share cart and customers between the stores. I have done all the code work and pass the SID across when changing stores.
I can get this to work beautifully if I don't enable SSL. I have the System > Web > Session Cookie Management working fine. Once I enable SSL, the whole thing falls apart. I can't stay logged in across both domains anymore.
Right now, I am using two different SSL certs to secure each domain (domainA.com and domainB.com). Do I need an UCC (Unified Communications Certificate) certificate instead? Are the separate certs causing the session info to drop? I was under the assumption that Apache stores the session info in the backend and the cert would only encrypt content while traveling between the server and the browser.
Here is a screenshot of my cookie/session info that works until I turn on SSL...

Any input/questions, etc would be very helpful.
Thank you!
P.S. I have googled this for days. I have also tried every variation of configuration of the settings that I can think of.