Hello I've been asked to do a products ordered report using CE 1.7 with product SKU
Reports>Products>Products ordered
The site uses simple products with an SKU and then Custom Options using an SKU after adding this bit of code to the report.
$this->addColumn('sku', array(
'header' => Mage::helper('reports')->__('Product Sku'),
'index' =>'sku'
It pulls the product SKU in to the report but NOT the Custom Option SKU?
I can see in the sales_flat_order_item table there is the correct SKU SGWCOPEB-14X20 how do I get the correct SKU to pull through on to the report?
the product SKU's are setup as follows
Product Level SKU: SGWCOPEB
Custom Option level SKU: 14x20
sales_flat_order_item SGWCOPEB-14X20
the reason for it setup this way, is because of the SagePage plugin sends the following
(productSKU-CustomOptionSKU) to Sagepay, then is pulled in to Sage correctly against our SKU's setup
Any help welcome