I have a poroduct which has 10 size options, only the larger 4 of which are taxable so there is a different price and tax band for them. Each size comes in 5 different colours. The colours don't affect the price. What is the best way to set this up?
I am reading the docs and I think that a coinfigurable product is the only way to go, but even then, do i need to manually create each combination? This seems quite a lot of work! I was hoping there is a better way to do it that I haven't seen yet.
I usually create the simple products in a CSV file and import them - much easier than adding them in the Magento admin. Then create a configurable product and assign the simples to it.
Thanks for that. It certainly does make sense.
I still need to create one product for each combination though rather than just creating some kind of automatic thing but at least it will be quicker.