My store version is old and there is Google ads appearing on all pages. There are no scripts inserted into the Miscellaneous Scripts section in admin panel
Can someone kindly advise how to remove. Website is http://www.jasminorganics.com/
Thank You
kindly help to solve that issue
Hi @smehra,
Is possible you have some HTML code included in:
Miscellaneous HTML on Footer configuration
Please delete the content of that field, clean cache and try again.
If you find code there is possible that you're store hasn't all the patches and your Magento is vulnerable.
Take a look into System -> Permissions -> Users and try to find if all those users are valid.
I came across this post while searching for a similar issue. First, I'd like to thank you for sharing this useful information.
I found google syndication script under Misc Script in admin and have removed it. But the ad banner is still showing on our store frontend. Store is https://plezor.com. Could you please suggest further action? Thanks so much.
Hi @param22k,
I've found this:
You should check you CMS pages, CMS blocks and also the code.
That JS call looks strange.
Found the code in one of the CMS pages. Took me sometime to trace it! Thanks so much for your support, really appreciate it.