I am unable to login as admin and I have no store owner.
How do I resolve this? Is there anyone I can contact to resolve this?
Hi @amirah_amri
Here, I have two solutions for you.
In case you have correct admin credentials:
Try to login by using a different private browser.
In case you don't have admin credentials:
Reset Magento 1 admin password in phpmyadmin:
Go to phpmyadmin and copy the following sql query:
UPDATE admin_user SET `password` = CONCAT(MD5('xxxxxxxNewPassword'), ':xxxxxxx') WHERE `username` = 'admin';
The xxxxxxx character sequence is a cryptographic salt, it is saved in app\etc\local.xml file
<crypt> <key><![CDATA[e91a7c66a90eeef27f580f90dfb55539]]></key> </crypt>
I hope it will help you.
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I'll add that unless you disabled it, there's a forgot password link on the admin login page. You should be able to reset your admin password with that link.
If you're like me, and normally disable this feature, I would recommend going through phpMyAdmin as was already suggested by PankajS_Magento. PhpMyAdmin may also be accessible through your hosting control panel (ex. cPanel) depending on the particulars of your hosting environment. I prefer to go through this user-interface.