Is there any way to make my magento 1.9.4 viewable on a mobile phone without having to purchase a mobile addon?
Viewport Configuration
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
Is there any way to add this html to any file that would make my site visible on mobile ?
Thank you,
Hi @sssteven4
You can directly add this viewport configuration inside the head.phtml file in your theme.
File path:
I hope it will work for you.
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Thank you for your help, I have tried what you said, however it didn't work. I am using the "modern" template for my site and the folder is "header.phtml".
Is there any way to make my website mobile friendly without having to purchase a program to do this?
Also you seem to be very smart about magento, as I said I am using the "modern" theme, I noticed that if someone went to purchase an item, the shopping cart page is still showing the "default" theme on the page, also it is on all the pages that are part of the "basic" website, all of the pages that are created in the CMS section.
Is there a way to make these pages show the correct theme?
Thank you,
Steven show the