It seems that you got de compiler activated.
You can try to access (vía ssh) and execute the these commands from you projhect root:
php -f shell/compiler.php state
That will tell you if the compiler is enabled. I'm pretty sure that the answer it'll be something like:
Compiler Status: Enabled
Compilation State: Compiled
Collected Files Count: ...
Compiled Scopes Count: ...
After that run this comman dto disbale the compiler:
php -f shell/compiler.php disable
You'll see this message:
Compiler include path disabled
Now you'll need to delete the compiled files:
php -f shell/compiler.php clear
The message it will be:
Compilation successfully cleared
Now you can check the state of the compiler again with:
php -f shell/compiler.php state
And you'll get something like this:
Compiler Status: Disabled
Compilation State: Not Compiled
Collected Files Count: 0
Compiled Scopes Count: 0