I have my first magento project
I want to exclude from tracking folder:
app/ --- this where the repo starts
And Inculde path: app/frontend/design/newziw/default
I think I will go crazy in a second please help me out guys
@Tom wrote:I have my first magento project
I want to exclude from tracking folder:
app/ --- this where the repo starts
And Inculde path: app/frontend/design/newziw/default
I think I will go crazy in a second
please help me out guys
The difference is between app/ and app/*
with app/ git will not look in the folder at all
with app/* git will look under app and ignore everything there
now the rule :
To exclude the app/ folder from tracking, you can create a file called .gitignore in the root directory of your project if it doesn't already exist, and add the following line to it:
Copy code
To include the app/frontend/design/newziw/default folder, you can add the following line to the .gitignore file:
Copy code
This will exclude all files and folders inside app/ except for the app/frontend/design/newziw/default/ folder.
Rachel Gomez