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Android app

Re: Android app

To add the "BUY" action to your Android app using your Magento database, here's a simple way to approach it:

  1. Create a "Buy" API:

    • In your Magento backend, set up an API endpoint that handles purchases. This API should take the product details, user info, and payment information, then create an order.
  2. User Authentication:

    • Make sure the user is logged in before they can buy something. You can use login tokens or sessions to verify them similar to spotify app.
  3. Connect Your App:

    • Use a tool like Retrofit or Volley in your Android app to make API requests.
    • When the user clicks "Buy", send the product info, user data, and payment details to your API.
  4. Payment:

    • You’ll need to handle payment securely. It's best to use a payment gateway (like PayPal or Stripe) to process payments. You can add their SDK to your app similar to spotifyio website.
  5. Handle Response:

    • Once the purchase is done, your API should send a confirmation back. Show the user a success message or handle any errors (like if the product is out of stock).

Re: Android app

i an wandering for an expert which is able to create an app for my wesbite. if someone is interested than visit my site Modgila.


Thank you.

Re: Android app

If you're looking for an expert to develop an app for your website, reaching out directly through platforms like LinkedIn or Upwork could be a great way to find the right developer. You might also want to provide more details about the scope of the app and any specific features you have in mind to attract the right talent. Best of luck with the project.