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Category Products tab in french product currency still seeing pound but it should be euro

Category Products tab in french product currency still seeing pound but it should be euro

Hi All,


I am using Magento ver. and seeing a isseu in admin section, I have three language/website. For each website I have different currency as for English I am using pound and for French I am using euro but when I go to admin-> manage category->Category Products tab in french product currency still seeing pound but it should be euro.


Any idea how can we solve this magento issue?


Thank you & Warm Regards

Sanjeev Kumar Sharma


Re: Category Products tab in french product currency still seeing pound but it should be euro

Hi @webkeonsanjeev


Have you set the price attribute to be a website attribute instead of a global attribute. Price is a bit different then other attributes, you go to:


System > Configuration > Catalog > Price


And select website here. You might need to tweak your currency settings after you have done this.

Re: Category Products tab in french product currency still seeing pound but it should be euro



I have done as you instructed but bug in magento because currency is shoing perfect when i check product in other store. 

Currency issue only show when you goto magage categ->select french store->select category->then go to category product tab 

here currency show should be euro instread of $ becuase my french store currency is euro.


I have created three websites and inside each website have a store.