Sorry for my english, but i need help.
I have simple product and configurable product, but for 30 products, i change in database table : catalog_product_super_attribute the attribute_id for my configurable product.
But after this action, i loose all product simple associated with him (Simple product are alway here but not associate), and in the table catalog_product_super_link, i alway have the association between simple product and configurable product.
Why simple product are not visible on the product configurable page on my back-office?
I hope you understand my question, i am really bad in english
Thank youu
Hello @jrouzot1998896
Why you have changed super attribute id for those products? These id defines the variation of simple products. Super attributes means > Attribute which used to create configurable products like color, size.
Please revert back those ids what ever changes you have done. You can do all changes what you needed from admin panel instead directly doing here in DB. There multiple tables are related to each other.
So revert back your changes and re index if require.
Thank for your answer,
I changed attribute_id not super_attribute_id, it's just because 30 products are on the wrong categories (Clothes but it's a shoes).
On my screen you can see the product configurable.
The red arrow show 'Pointures' attribute_id => 186 (But before, that was 154 and 'Tailles').
Now i have the good attribute, but i loose simple product.
If i revert to 154, 'taille' will coming back, How can i change this without Database please?
(Sorry for my english, if you don't understand, told me)
Thank you
Do you have Backup DB? if yes you can replace that. If not open your magneto admin panel and you associate these products back to their configurable products.
Hope it will help you. Let me know if you still face issue. Thanks.
I rollback and the website is ok, but my problem isn't resolv
(see picture)
I don't know why my picture can't be publish
so i push my picture on server online :
Hello @jrouzot1998896
You can not change it to attribute id =159 if you will do all simple products will removed from this configurable product.
If you need for attribute id =159, you have to create a new configurable product, when creating choose same attribute with 159. and associate products with this config product.
Thank for your answers, i will talking with the manager to know if he is ok for create new configurable product