When we delete the product from the product details page of admin at that time display error like
Invalid Form Key. Please refresh the page
Current, Magento ver. on the website.
Please share if you have a solution
Hi @Ashish_k_php
There might be some issue with browser cookie.
have you tried once in private window?
Hello, @Vimal Kumar thank you for your quick reply.
We already checked that but still display an error when we click on the Delete button on the product details page of the admin.
Flush your browser cookies and delete the var/session files and var/cache files.
Warning: after deleting session files all customers will be loggedout and all cart will be empty.
Or if this will not work please check your cookie setting in magento admin
You need to check with hosting provider to increase php_value max_input_vars 75000.
Issue resolved ?
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