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Configurable products with same attribute_set not getting associated

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Configurable products with same attribute_set not getting associated

Hi all, I have a question for you, guys. So after weeks of struggling setting everything up in Excel for Magento to digest my database correctly, I am stuck because of the configurable products.
I input the same attribute_set for both simples and configurable product, though when I upload the csv, the products do show up in the list but don't get associated. So I go to the "Associated Products" section of the configurable product in the Admin panel and see NO products at all in the list. I click "Reset Filters" but nothing shows up either. I have tried random stuff but haven't come to a solution yet. If you guys could give me a hand with this I'd reeally appreciate it. Thank you all in advance!


Re: Configurable products with same attribute_set not getting associated

possible reasion: attributes do not have 'Use To Create Configurable Product' turned on. 

how to debug:  in 


 dump collection to sql string and see why products are not selected