is possible to change automatically Customer Account Information data written in lowercase to uppercase?
For example a client write is name jhon dole and i need change to Jhon Dole.
You could fairly easily write an observer that looks for events where that data is saved and update it using a PHP ucwords() call. Perhaps look into the customer_save_before event.
thanks for you answer, but could you explain in more detail how I can do this task?
other option valid to me it´s all text in caps, how can make this task?
Here is some info on creating the observer on the event you need. In the observer file, just ucwords anything you need updated. I haven't tested the code below....
$customer = $observer->getCustomer(); $customer->setData( 'first_name', ucwords($customer->getData('first_name'));
If its only the display in account dashboard information you cared about, I suggest to modify template or css if possible, e.g.
<?php echo $this->htmlEscape(ucwords($this->getCustomer()->getName())) ?>
in customer/account/dashboard/info.phtml
In case you are willing to uppercase addresses in order then this extension may help
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Customer Account Information data in uppercase · please explain full – Jugal Kishor · i want to add ucwords on my code uc word convert custome
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