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Fatal Error on backend

Fatal Error on backend

Hello everyone,


i have a Magento website with thousand of customer/product. When i try to access into backend page of one customer (not everyone, just one) i have the following error:



Fatal error: Call to a member function getValue() on a non-object in 
htdocs/app/code/core/Mage/Bundle/Model/Product/Type.php on line 934



The code in core module is checkProductByState function and the error is where unserialize is used: 


        $product            = $this->getProduct($product);
        $productOptionIds   = $this->getOptionsIds($product);
        $productSelections  = $this->getSelectionsCollection($productOptionIds, $product);
        $selectionIds       = $product->getCustomOption('bundle_selection_ids');
        $selectionIds       = unserialize($selectionIds->getValue());
        $buyRequest         = $product->getCustomOption('info_buyRequest');
        $buyRequest         = new Varien_Object(unserialize($buyRequest->getValue()));
        $bundleOption       = $buyRequest->getBundleOption();

Can someone explain when this is called? 


Plus, all product buyed by this customer are "simple product".

