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Fetch orders using Magento rest api for last 4 days (Modified and created)

Fetch orders using Magento rest api for last 4 days (Modified and created)

I am integrating magento rest api in a Ruby on Rails application to fetch all the orders in my app. I am accessing magento rest api using oauth1.0.

I can access orders list successfully but what i want is to get the orders list of last 4 days (modified and created in last 4 days).


Can anyone suggest how can i achieve this.


I tried to pass following filter parameters:

{"filter[1][attribute]" => "created_at", "filter[1][from]" => "2015-11-22+15%3A17%3A21", "filter[1][to]" => "2015-11-26+15%3A17%3A25"}


Also hace tried passing the dates in following format:

{"filter[1][attribute]" => "created_at", "filter[1][from]" => "2015-11-22 15:17:21", "filter[1][to]" => "2015-11-26 15:17:25"}


but getting this error:



Please help me solving this issues.


Thanks in advance!