I have a module that adds a custom attribute to the admin form for customers:
$installer->addAttribute("customer", "fcvalid_proof_of_age", array(
"type" => "varchar"
,"backend" => ""
,"label" => "Proof of Age"
,"input" => "file"
,"visible" => true
,"required" => false
,"default" => 0
,"frontend" => ""
,"unique" => false
,"source" => ""
,'visible_on_front' => 1
,'is_user_defined' => 1
,'used_in_forms' => array(
->getAttribute('customer', 'fcvalid_proof_of_age')
->setData('used_in_forms', array('adminhtml_customer'))
And it works fine, the upload field shows and lets you upload a file and saves it but then what? When you reload the customer form there's no indication that a file has been uploaded or not for that customer, no way to see it or delete it. What am I missing? These are basic features I'd expect a file upload feature to have. Also, any way to restrict the file types that can be uploaded? They really only want images or PDF