On our website we have enabled Google Sitemaps and added some manually with updates through cron.
What happens now is that the page Catalog > Google Sitemap in it's filters tells us that 4 records were found.
But it doesn't show anything below the filters.
Through looking at the source code I've found that the <div> with class sitemapGrid only has a total height of 33px and the <div> with class grid that should display the sitemaps only has a total height of 7px, 6 of which are padding.
The sitemapGrid_table is 0px high, with a 1px border.
But no <tr> nor <td>.
Has anyone encountered this before or have any clue as to what a solution might be?
After some more digging I've found that the file in which it all happens is design > adminhtml > default > default > template > widget > grid.phtml
The page runs till the end of the first foreach after <div class="grid> and then stops.
Solved! Go to Solution.
Long story short:
exception.log wasn't being filled so once that was solved I got to see that Magento couldn't find a certain blocktype.
Solved an error in config.xml and it all works just fine.