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How can i solve Admin identifier is not set while try to access products using REST API?

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How can i solve Admin identifier is not set while try to access products using REST API?

If i try to access products using Rest API, like 




error :




How can i solve the error and how can i access products using REST API?


Re: How can i solve Admin identifier is not set while try to access products using REST API?

Hello @Jeeva Rathinam


It seems like server/configuration issue, please check httpd.conf file with following code the error fixed


<Directory "your directory here">    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all
    # New directive needed in Apache 2.4.3: 
    Require all granted</Directory>

 To find location of httpd.conf,

Restart server again after these changes. 

Apart from that you can check customer role and permission with the help of below shared link:

Manish Mittal

Re: How can i solve Admin identifier is not set while try to access products using REST API?

@Manish Mittal I can't find the file httpd.conf , can you pls help me how can i find in localhost and how can i get products using http://localhost/anusthana/api/rest/products?limit=2


Note : Correct me is right what i did, 


location : c:/wamp/bin/apache/apache2.4.27/conf/httpd.conf    -> add -> 


<Directory /var/www/html/magento>
AllowOverride All
# New directive needed in Apache 2.4.3:
Require all granted



is right?




Re: How can i solve Admin identifier is not set while try to access products using REST API?

@Jeeva Rathinam





You can check both files which are working for you.

Manish Mittal

Re: How can i solve Admin identifier is not set while try to access products using REST API?

@Manish Mittal I am using wamp, so where is the file located?

Re: How can i solve Admin identifier is not set while try to access products using REST API?

any file under ?



Manish Mittal

Re: How can i solve Admin identifier is not set while try to access products using REST API?

@Jeeva Rathinam

After your changes, you restart your server and check if it works for you.

Manish Mittal

Re: How can i solve Admin identifier is not set while try to access products using REST API?

@Manish Mittal under my wamp/www all are my Magento file.



Re: How can i solve Admin identifier is not set while try to access products using REST API?

@Manish Mittal what i need to do?

Re: How can i solve Admin identifier is not set while try to access products using REST API?

@Manish Mittal Any suggestion regard my issues?