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How do I add product count to main navigation menu product categories?

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How do I add product count to main navigation menu product categories?

menu Hey everyone,

How do I add the product count to display the amount of items/products in each category to the main menu navigation?

Its shown in the left nagivation by default, but im using a custom theme CustomMenu module, and i've tried adding various get product count codes and none seem to display, I think I'm missing a step!


Does this code need to be added, and where would I put in?  in my phtml file?

I'm at a loss, I think im putting it in the wrong spot!

Thanks for your help!


Accepted Solutions

Re: How do I add product count to main navigation menu product categories?

Yes you can just return true after the first line, then it skips the check for empty categories.


Regarding adding the space you can change the line:


$html .= '(' . $this->_productsCount[$child->getId()]['product_count'] .')';




$html .= ' (' . $this->_productsCount[$child->getId()]['product_count'] .')'; 

View solution in original post


Re: How do I add product count to main navigation menu product categories?

Hi damiende,


If your CustomMenu module does the renderinger in the same way as Magento's standard Navigation Block, you wont find the place to put this in a phtml file. It will be in the Block responsable for renderinger the phtml file. This is sometimes referenced in the phtml file, if not you can use a simple line of PHP to figure out  what block is responsable.


<?php echo get_class($this); ?>


 However glancing over your other recent post, does kinda look like the menu is comming from an Ajax call, so you might need to look into that aswell.


A lille warning though, calling ->getProductCount(), might be slightly resource intensive, depending on your setup, make sure that the block that are properly cached :-).



Re: How do I add product count to main navigation menu product categories?

Thanks for the reply, I added that Get_Class code to the phtml and checked the source:

Its referencing WP_CustomMenu_Block_Topmenu

I have absolutely no idea what WP_CustomMenu_Block_Topmenu is, i checked the static blocks in magento admin, its not there.  

No sure what file that would be originating in.

Re: How do I add product count to main navigation menu product categories?


class WP_CustomMenu_Block_Navigation extends Mage_Catalog_Block_Navigation
    const CUSTOM_BLOCK_TEMPLATE = "wp_custom_menu_%d";

    private $_productsCount     = null;
    private $_topMenu           = array();
    private $_popupMenu         = array();

    public function drawCustomMenuMobileItem($category, $level = 0, $last = false)
        if (!$category->getIsActive()) return '';
        $html = array();
        $id = $category->getId();
        // --- Sub Categories ---
        $activeChildren = $this->_getActiveChildren($category, $level);
        // --- class for active category ---
        $active = ''; if ($this->isCategoryActive($category)) $active = ' act';
        $hasSubMenu = count($activeChildren);
        $catUrl = $this->getCategoryUrl($category);
        $html[] = '<div id="menu-mobile-' . $id . '" class="menu-mobile level0' . $active . '">';
        $html[] = '<div class="parentMenu">';
        // --- Top Menu Item ---
        $html[] = '<a class="level' . $level . $active . '" href="' . $catUrl .'">';
        $name = $this->escapeHtml($category->getName());
        if (Mage::getStoreConfig('custom_menu/general/non_breaking_space')) {
            $name = str_replace(' ', '&nbsp;', $name);
        $html[] = '<span>' . $name . '</span>';
        $html[] = '</a>';
        if ($hasSubMenu) {
            $html[] = '<span class="button" rel="submenu-mobile-' . $id . '" onclick="wpSubMenuToggle(this, \'menu-mobile-' . $id . '\', \'submenu-mobile-' . $id . '\');">&nbsp;</span>';
        $html[] = '</div>';
        // --- Add Popup block (hidden) ---
        if ($hasSubMenu) {
            // --- draw Sub Categories ---
            $html[] = '<div id="submenu-mobile-' . $id . '" rel="level' . $level . '" class="wp-custom-menu-submenu" style="display: none;">';
            $html[] = $this->drawMobileMenuItem($activeChildren);
            $html[] = '<div class="clearBoth"></div>';
            $html[] = '</div>';
        $html[] = '</div>';
        $html = implode("\n", $html);
        return $html;

    public function getTopMenuArray()
        return $this->_topMenu;

    public function getPopupMenuArray()
        return $this->_popupMenu;

    public function drawCustomMenuItem($category, $level = 0, $last = false)
        if (!$category->getIsActive()) return;
        $htmlTop = array();
        $id = $category->getId();
        // --- Static Block ---
        $blockId = sprintf(self::CUSTOM_BLOCK_TEMPLATE, $id); // --- static block key
        $collection = Mage::getModel('cms/block')->getCollection()
            ->addFieldToFilter('identifier', array(array('like' => $blockId . '_w%'), array('eq' => $blockId)))
            ->addFieldToFilter('is_active', 1);
        $blockId = $collection->getFirstItem()->getIdentifier();
        $blockHtml = Mage::app()->getLayout()->createBlock('cms/block')->setBlockId($blockId)->toHtml();
        // --- Sub Categories ---
        $activeChildren = $this->_getActiveChildren($category, $level);
        // --- class for active category ---
        $active = ''; if ($this->isCategoryActive($category)) $active = ' act';
        // --- Popup functions for show ---
        $drawPopup = ($blockHtml || count($activeChildren));
        if ($drawPopup) {
            $htmlTop[] = '<div id="menu' . $id . '" class="menu' . $active . '" onmouseover="wpShowMenuPopup(this, event, \'popup' . $id . '\');" onmouseout="wpHideMenuPopup(this, event, \'popup' . $id . '\', \'menu' . $id . '\')">';
        } else {
            $htmlTop[] = '<div id="menu' . $id . '" class="menu' . $active . '">';
        // --- Top Menu Item ---
        $htmlTop[] = '<div class="parentMenu">';
        if ($level == 0 && $drawPopup) {
            $htmlTop[] = '<a  class="level' . $level . $active . '" href="javascript&colon;void(0);" rel="'.$this->getCategoryUrl($category).'">';
        } else {
            $htmlTop[] = '<a  class="level' . $level . $active . '" href="'.$this->getCategoryUrl($category).'">';
        $name = $this->escapeHtml($category->getName());
        if (Mage::getStoreConfig('custom_menu/general/non_breaking_space')) {
            $name = str_replace(' ', '&nbsp;', $name);
        $htmlTop[] = '<span>' . $name . '</span>';
        $htmlTop[] = '</a>';
        $htmlTop[] = '</div>';
        $htmlTop[] = '</div>';
        $this->_topMenu[] = implode("\n", $htmlTop);
        // --- Add Popup block (hidden) ---
        if ($drawPopup) {
            $htmlPopup = array();
            // --- Popup function for hide ---
            $htmlPopup[] = '<div id="popup' . $id . '" class="wp-custom-menu-popup" onmouseout="wpHideMenuPopup(this, event, \'popup' . $id . '\', \'menu' . $id . '\')" onmouseover="wpPopupOver(this, event, \'popup' . $id . '\', \'menu' . $id . '\')">';
            // --- draw Sub Categories ---
            if (count($activeChildren)) {
                $columns = (int)Mage::getStoreConfig('custom_menu/columns/count');
                $htmlPopup[] = '<div class="block1">';
                $htmlPopup[] = $this->drawColumns($activeChildren, $columns);
                $htmlPopup[] = '<div class="clearBoth"></div>';
                $htmlPopup[] = '</div>';
            // --- draw Custom User Block ---
            if ($blockHtml) {
                $htmlPopup[] = '<div id="' . $blockId . '" class="block2">';
                $htmlPopup[] = $blockHtml;
                $htmlPopup[] = '</div>';
            $htmlPopup[] = '</div>';
            $this->_popupMenu[] = implode("\n", $htmlPopup);

    public function drawMobileMenuItem($children, $level = 1)
        $keyCurrent = $this->getCurrentCategory()->getId();
        $html = '';
        foreach ($children as $child) {
            if (is_object($child) && $child->getIsActive()) {
                // --- class for active category ---
                $active = '';
                $id = $child->getId();
                $activeChildren = $this->_getActiveChildren($child, $level);
                if ($this->isCategoryActive($child)) {
                    $active = ' actParent';
                    if ($id == $keyCurrent) $active = ' act';
                $html.= '<div id="menu-mobile-' . $id . '" class="itemMenu level' . $level . $active . '">';
                // --- format category name ---
                $name = $this->escapeHtml($child->getName());
                if (Mage::getStoreConfig('custom_menu/general/non_breaking_space')) $name = str_replace(' ', '&nbsp;', $name);
                $html.= '<div class="parentMenu">';
                $html.= '<a class="itemMenuName level' . $level . $active . '" href="' . $this->getCategoryUrl($child) . '"><span>' . $name . '</span></a>';
                if (count($activeChildren) > 0) {
                    $html.= '<span class="button" rel="submenu-mobile-' . $id . '" onclick="wpSubMenuToggle(this, \'menu-mobile-' . $id . '\', \'submenu-mobile-' . $id . '\');">&nbsp;</span>';
                $html.= '</div>';
                if (count($activeChildren) > 0) {
                    $html.= '<div id="submenu-mobile-' . $id . '" rel="level' . $level . '" class="wp-custom-menu-submenu level' . $level . '" style="display: none;">';
                    $html.= $this->drawMobileMenuItem($activeChildren, $level + 1);
                    $html.= '<div class="clearBoth"></div>';
                    $html.= '</div>';
                $html.= '</div>';
        return $html;

    public function drawMenuItem($children, $level = 1)
        $html = '<div class="itemMenu level' . $level . '">';
        $keyCurrent = $this->getCurrentCategory()->getId();
        foreach ($children as $child) {
            if (is_object($child) && $child->getIsActive()) {
                // --- class for active category ---
                $active = '';
                if ($this->isCategoryActive($child)) {
                    $active = ' actParent';
                    if ($child->getId() == $keyCurrent) $active = ' act';
                // --- format category name ---
                $name = $this->escapeHtml($child->getName());
                if (Mage::getStoreConfig('custom_menu/general/non_breaking_space')) $name = str_replace(' ', '&nbsp;', $name);
                $html.= '<a class="itemMenuName level' . $level . $active . '" href="' . $this->getCategoryUrl($child) . '"><span>' . $name . '</span></a>';
                $activeChildren = $this->_getActiveChildren($child, $level);
                if (count($activeChildren) > 0) {
                    $html.= '<div class="itemSubMenu level' . $level . '">';
                    $html.= $this->drawMenuItem($activeChildren, $level + 1);
                    $html.= '</div>';
        $html.= '</div>';
        return $html;

    public function drawColumns($children, $columns = 1)
        $html = '';
        // --- explode by columns ---
        if ($columns < 1) $columns = 1;
        $chunks = $this->_explodeByColumns($children, $columns);
        // --- draw columns ---
        $lastColumnNumber = count($chunks);
        $i = 1;
        foreach ($chunks as $key => $value) {
            if (!count($value)) continue;
            $class = '';
            if ($i == 1) $class.= ' first';
            if ($i == $lastColumnNumber) $class.= ' last';
            if ($i % 2) $class.= ' odd'; else $class.= ' even';
            $html.= '<div class="column' . $class . '">';
            $html.= $this->drawMenuItem($value, 1);
            $html.= '</div>';
        return $html;

    protected function _getActiveChildren($parent, $level)
        $activeChildren = array();
        // --- check level ---
        $maxLevel = (int)Mage::getStoreConfig('custom_menu/general/max_level');
        if ($maxLevel > 0) {
            if ($level >= ($maxLevel - 1)) return $activeChildren;
        // --- / check level ---
        if (Mage::helper('catalog/category_flat')->isEnabled()) {
            $children = $parent->getChildrenNodes();
            $childrenCount = count($children);
        } else {
            $children = $parent->getChildren();
            $childrenCount = $children->count();
        $hasChildren = $children && $childrenCount;
        if ($hasChildren) {
            foreach ($children as $child) {
                if ($this->_isCategoryDisplayed($child)) {
                    array_push($activeChildren, $child);
        return $activeChildren;

    private function _isCategoryDisplayed(&$child)
        if (!$child->getIsActive()) return false;
        // === check products count ===
        // --- get collection info ---
        if (!Mage::getStoreConfig('custom_menu/general/display_empty_categories')) {
            $data = $this->_getProductsCountData();
            // --- check by id ---
            $id = $child->getId();
            #Mage::log($id); Mage::log($data);
            if (!isset($data[$id]) || !$data[$id]['product_count']) return false;
        // === / check products count ===
        return true;

    private function _getProductsCountData()
        if (is_null($this->_productsCount)) {
            $collection = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->getCollection();
            $storeId = Mage::app()->getStore()->getId();
            /* @var $collection Mage_Catalog_Model_Resource_Eav_Mysql4_Category_Collection */
            $productsCount = array();
            foreach($collection as $cat) {
                $productsCount[$cat->getId()] = array(
                    'name' => $cat->getName(),
                    'product_count' => $cat->getProductCount(),
            $this->_productsCount = $productsCount;
        return $this->_productsCount;

    private function _explodeByColumns($target, $num)
        if ((int)Mage::getStoreConfig('custom_menu/columns/divided_horizontally')) {
            $target = self::_explodeArrayByColumnsHorisontal($target, $num);
        } else {
            $target = self::_explodeArrayByColumnsVertical($target, $num);
        #return $target;
        if ((int)Mage::getStoreConfig('custom_menu/columns/integrate') && count($target)) {
            // --- combine consistently numerically small column ---
            // --- 1. calc length of each column ---
            $max = 0; $columnsLength = array();
            foreach ($target as $key => $child) {
                $count = 0;
                $this->_countChild($child, 1, $count);
                if ($max < $count) $max = $count;
                $columnsLength[$key] = $count;
            // --- 2. merge small columns with next ---
            $xColumns = array(); $column = array(); $cnt = 0;
            $xColumnsLength = array(); $k = 0;
            foreach ($columnsLength as $key => $count) {
                $cnt+= $count;
                if ($cnt > $max && count($column)) {
                    $xColumns[$k] = $column;
                    $xColumnsLength[$k] = $cnt - $count;
                    $k++; $column = array(); $cnt = $count;
                $column = array_merge($column, $target[$key]);
            $xColumns[$k] = $column;
            $xColumnsLength[$k] = $cnt - $count;
            // --- 3. integrate columns of one element ---
            $target = $xColumns; $xColumns = array(); $nextKey = -1;
            if ($max > 1 && count($target) > 1) {
                foreach($target as $key => $column) {
                    if ($key == $nextKey) continue;
                    if ($xColumnsLength[$key] == 1) {
                        // --- merge with next column ---
                        $nextKey = $key + 1;
                        if (isset($target[$nextKey]) && count($target[$nextKey])) {
                            $xColumns[] = array_merge($column, $target[$nextKey]);
                    $xColumns[] = $column;
                $target = $xColumns;
        $_rtl = Mage::getStoreConfigFlag('custom_menu/general/rtl');
        if ($_rtl) {
            $target = array_reverse($target);
        return $target;

    private function _countChild($children, $level, &$count)
        foreach ($children as $child) {
            if ($child->getIsActive()) {
                $count++; $activeChildren = $this->_getActiveChildren($child, $level);
                if (count($activeChildren) > 0) $this->_countChild($activeChildren, $level + 1, $count);

    private static function _explodeArrayByColumnsHorisontal($list, $num)
        if ($num <= 0) return array($list);
        $partition = array();
        $partition = array_pad($partition, $num, array());
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($list as $key => $value) {
            $partition[$i][$key] = $value;
            if (++$i == $num) $i = 0;
        return $partition;

    private static function _explodeArrayByColumnsVertical($list, $num)
        if ($num <= 0) return array($list);
        $listlen = count($list);
        $partlen = floor($listlen / $num);
        $partrem = $listlen % $num;
        $partition = array();
        $mark = 0;
        for ($column = 0; $column < $num; $column++) {
            $incr = ($column < $partrem) ? $partlen + 1 : $partlen;
            $partition[$column] = array_slice($list, $mark, $incr);
            $mark += $incr;
        return $partition;

 I think I found the WP_CustomMenu_Block_Topmenu, this is the code ^^

Re: How do I add product count to main navigation menu product categories?

Hi Damiende


Quickly looking through the Object, I see two things of interest. First of all it looks like the developer of that module did a good chunk of the work for you, so thats good news :-) The method: _getProductsCountData counts up all category children, but is only called if you hide empty categories in System > Configuration. You can however just call this method youself.


If you do that you can access all product counts from the class variable $this->_productsCount;


The other thing I see is the drawMenuItem method, after a call to the previously mentioned method you can rewrite the method and add within the children loop:


if(isset($this->_productsCount[$child->getId()])) {
    $html .= '(' . $this->_productsCount[$child->getId()] .')';


Hope this helps :-)




Re: How do I add product count to main navigation menu product categories?

Thanks Theis,

I understand some of that, I like the idea of it showing categories that are empty, as they'll eventually get full.

I'm still learning all of this; How would I go about changing that code so i can get the the count on category children without only being called if it hides empty category?

 private function _getProductsCountData()
        if (is_null($this->_productsCount)) {
            $collection = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->getCollection();
            $storeId = Mage::app()->getStore()->getId();
            /* @var $collection Mage_Catalog_Model_Resource_Eav_Mysql4_Category_Collection */
            $productsCount = array();
            foreach($collection as $cat) {
                $productsCount[$cat->getId()] = array(
                    'name' => $cat->getName(),
                    'product_count' => $cat->getProductCount(),
            $this->_productsCount = $productsCount;
        return $this->_productsCount;

 What about this code references the hide empty category party?  Is it the is Null part? or am I completely missing something?

Edit:  I turned off the "show empty" categories in configuration, and no product count showed up.


Re: How do I add product count to main navigation menu product categories?

Hi Damiende 


You won't need to change any code, you should be able to do that from the admin, I can't tell you excatly since I don't have your module but the Path within the admin should be something along the lines of:


System > Configuration > Custom Menu > General > Display Empty Categories


In regards to havin displayed the product count the rewriting function would look something like this:


    public function drawMenuItem($children, $level = 1)
        $html = '<div class="itemMenu level' . $level . '">';
        $keyCurrent = $this->getCurrentCategory()->getId();
        foreach ($children as $child) {
            if (is_object($child) && $child->getIsActive()) {
                // --- class for active category ---
                $active = '';
                if ($this->isCategoryActive($child)) {
                    $active = ' actParent';
                    if ($child->getId() == $keyCurrent) $active = ' act';
                // --- format category name ---
                $name = $this->escapeHtml($child->getName());
                if (Mage::getStoreConfig('custom_menu/general/non_breaking_space')) $name = str_replace(' ', '&nbsp;', $name);
                $html.= '<a class="itemMenuName level' . $level . $active . '" href="' . $this->getCategoryUrl($child) . '"><span>' . $name;
                if(isset($this->_productsCount[$child->getId()])) {
                     $html .= '(' . $this->_productsCount[$child->getId()] .')';
                $html .= '</span></a>';
                $activeChildren = $this->_getActiveChildren($child, $level);
                if (count($activeChildren) > 0) {
                    $html.= '<div class="itemSubMenu level' . $level . '">';
                    $html.= $this->drawMenuItem($activeChildren, $level + 1);
                    $html.= '</div>';
        $html.= '</div>';
        return $html;


Hope it helps :-)

Re: How do I add product count to main navigation menu product categories?

Hey Theis,

Thanks, the producst are showing   CategoryName (array)    all them have the (array) beside them,

Re: How do I add product count to main navigation menu product categories?

Ye one oversight in my end doing this over multiple replies. The code should be:


    public function drawMenuItem($children, $level = 1)
        $html = '<div class="itemMenu level' . $level . '">';
        $keyCurrent = $this->getCurrentCategory()->getId();
        foreach ($children as $child) {
            if (is_object($child) && $child->getIsActive()) {
                // --- class for active category ---
                $active = '';
                if ($this->isCategoryActive($child)) {
                    $active = ' actParent';
                    if ($child->getId() == $keyCurrent) $active = ' act';
                // --- format category name ---
                $name = $this->escapeHtml($child->getName());
                if (Mage::getStoreConfig('custom_menu/general/non_breaking_space')) $name = str_replace(' ', '&nbsp;', $name);
                $html.= '<a class="itemMenuName level' . $level . $active . '" href="' . $this->getCategoryUrl($child) . '"><span>' . $name;
                if(isset($this->_productsCount[$child->getId()])) {
				    $html .= '(' . $this->_productsCount[$child->getId()]['product_count'] .')';
                $html .= '</span></a>';
                $activeChildren = $this->_getActiveChildren($child, $level);
                if (count($activeChildren) > 0) {
                    $html.= '<div class="itemSubMenu level' . $level . '">';
                    $html.= $this->drawMenuItem($activeChildren, $level + 1);
                    $html.= '</div>';
        $html.= '</div>';
        return $html;


Don't forget to kudos / mark post as answer if this helps you ;-).

Re: How do I add product count to main navigation menu product categories?

Is there a way to add a space between the (product count) and category?

RIght now its:    Category(15)  anyways to make it Category (15)  -with a space?


I'm working on changing the code for this section:

  private function _isCategoryDisplayed(&$child)
if (!$child->getIsActive()) return false;
// === check products count ===
// --- get collection info ---
if (!Mage::getStoreConfig('custom_menu/general/display_empty_categories')) {
$data = $this->_getProductsCountData();
// --- check by id ---
$id = $child->getId();
#Mage::log($id); Mage::log($data);
if (!isset($data[$id]) || !$data[$id]['product_count']) return false;
// === / check products count ===
return true;

 I want to display empty categories, while having the product count work, so do I change return false to return true?  hmm

Edit:  Yes,   it worked

 if (!isset($data[$id]) || !$data[$id]['product_count']) return true;