How to assign customer group automatically following by address information
When customer register on our website, customer write the country where they live. If customer live in United State, we would set the standard group(just default group). If not like live in Jamaica, Spain, we'd like to assign to international group automatically.
So, it would show like this,
It seems like if-else statement on any languages but i didn't touch the code because i fix it myself one by one.
How can i do it? app/code/core/Mage/Customer/Model have the information about that i guess.
Solved! Go to Solution.
Hi @xzxzxzxyy
you have to check country for the customer's default billing address:
class aaa_bbb_Model_Observer { public function customerRegisterSuccess(Varien_Event_Observer $observer) { $event = $observer->getEvent(); $customer = $event->getCustomer(); $billingAddress = $customer->getPrimaryBillingAddress(); if ($billingAddress) { $countryId = $billingAddress->getCountryId(); switch ($countryId) { case 'US': $customer->setData('group_id', 1); $customer->save(); break; default: $customer->setData('group_id', 27); $customer->save(); } } } }
@xzxzxzxyy In order to achieve that I guess its better to use Observer and track customer save event. let me help you more!
Use event :
And save from observer by:
/** get customer object */ $customer = $observer->getCustomer(); /** save group id*/ $customer->setData('group_id',<group_id>); $customer->save();
hope this help! cheers
I just create this observer.php file.
And add some if-else state like this.
I tried many times. Could you check my sort of condition statements?
Version 1)
<?php class aaa_bbb_Model_Observer { public function customerRegisterSuccess(Varien_Event_Observer $observer) { $event = $observer->getEvent(); $customer = $event->getCustomer(); if( $country_id !== 'US'){ // if country is not US $customer->setData('group_id',27); //set groupid to 27(international group) $customer->save(); } } }
version 2)
<?php class aaa_bbb_Model_Observer { public function customerRegisterSuccess(Varien_Event_Observer $observer) { $event = $observer->getEvent(); $customer = $event->getCustomer(); $countryName == 'United States'; $countries = Mage::app()->getLocale()->getCountryTranslationList(); $countryCode = array_search($countryName, $countries); if($countryCode){ $customer->setData('group_id',1); //set groupid to 1(standard) $customer->save(); } } }
Version 3)
<?php class aaa_bbb_Model_Observer { public function customerRegisterSuccess(Varien_Event_Observer $observer) {
$countryName = Mage::getModel('directory/country')->getCollection()->loadByCode($countryCode)->getName();
case "United States" :
$customer->setData('group_id',1); //set groupid to 1(standard)
default : $customer->setData('group_id',27); //set groupid to 27(international)
They didn't work tho.
Hi @xzxzxzxyy
you have to check country for the customer's default billing address:
class aaa_bbb_Model_Observer { public function customerRegisterSuccess(Varien_Event_Observer $observer) { $event = $observer->getEvent(); $customer = $event->getCustomer(); $billingAddress = $customer->getPrimaryBillingAddress(); if ($billingAddress) { $countryId = $billingAddress->getCountryId(); switch ($countryId) { case 'US': $customer->setData('group_id', 1); $customer->save(); break; default: $customer->setData('group_id', 27); $customer->save(); } } } }
But if you use this code,
you add this line below line 5,
$customer = Mage::getModel('customer/customer')->load($customer->getId());
Hi @xzxzxzxyy
what for? The customer object is passed along with the event. There's no need to re-load it.
No i tried your own code but
I faced this error
Fatal error: Call to a member function getId() on a non-object in app/code/local/Kbethos/CustomerGrouped/Model/Observer.php on line 10
So i put code i attached. It works!
the issue is related to get billing information of the customer.