I would like display product title just under breadcrumb. no like this:
any ideas?
Move product name div into "product-view nested-container".
<div class="product-view nested-container" itemtype="http://schema.org/Product" itemscope=""> <div class="product-name"> <h1 itemprop="name">Genuine Black Brother 1030 Correctable Film Ribbon - (1030)</h1> </div>
Thanks for reply. Could you tell me where can i find that file ?
You would need to create a new structural block, reference it in the page templates and then create a new .phtml file which references the product title. Then place the xml in your local.xml theme file.
<catalog_product_view> <reference name="new_structural_block_name"> <block type="catalog/product_view" name="product.name" template="pathtofile/product-title.phtml"></reference></catalog_product_view>
Your .phtml template file will look something like this
$_product = $this->getProduct(); $_productName = $_product->getName(); echo $_productName;
Mihir Rawal
<theme>/ default / template/ catalog/product/ view.phtml