I own Magento 1 online shop. I spent a lot of time to prepare high quality product images. I was punished for that by Google PageSpeed Insight. There are many of images on my front page and they weight a lot. So I started to think about changing my images format to webp for browsers that support it. I did not found appropriate extension to do this for me. Is there any?
My initial idea was to create a separate folder with internal structure mimicking original media folder structure but with all images converted in bulk to webp format. I modified getUrl() method from app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Model/Product/Image.php to check if 'HTTP_ACCEPT' header contains 'image/webp' capability. If it does I look for the webp image in the new folder. If it is available then I exchange url returned getUrl().
This seems to work for product page images but not for others. Is there a better place in the code to hook into? Or maybe I would rather do some global replacement of image links just before the page is sent to the browser.
I am also aware that this approach is not ideal because I will need to generate webp images every time I add a new product.
Is there a better solution?
you need to override & customize or you can install 3rd party extension to support WEBP images
kindly check the below extension
kindly Accept as a Solution if this works for you and give Kudos
This is extension for Magento 2. My question was related for Magento 1. Yireo has also version of the extension for Magento 1 https://github.com/yireo/Yireo_Webp
It looks though it does not work for product images which I care about the most. I guess this is because the extensions replaces links in static html but does not affect those loaded dynamically.