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Importing Products & Indexer Failures...
Hi all,
I´m new to this forum... We are running magento 1.6.2 and we are importing configurable / simple products via an own written script on the shell.
This is the main snippet from the script:
$sProducts->reset() ->setTypeId(Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Type::TYPE_SIMPLE) ->setWebsiteIds(array(1)) ->setStatus(Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Status::STATUS_ENABLED) ->setVisibility(Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Visibility::VISIBILITY_NOT_VISIBLE) ->setTaxClassId(1) ->setAttributeSetId($sProducts->getDefaultAttributeSetId()) ->setSku($prod["sku"]) ->setName($prod["name"]) ->setShortDescription($prod["description"]) ->setDescription($prod["description"]) ->setPrice($prod["price"]) ->setColor($attributeModels["color"]->getSource()->getOptionId($prod["color"])) ->setData($attr, $configurableAttributeOptionId) ->setStockData(array("is_in_stock" => $prod["is_in_stock"], "qty" => 0)) ->setWeight($prod["weight"]) ->seturlkey($prod["url_key"]) ->setNewsFromDate($prod["news_from_date"]) ->setNewsToDate($prod["news_to_date"]) ->setEan($prod["ean"]) ->setDeliveryTime($prod["delivery_time"]); $sProducts->save();
This worked great, but now, if suddenly stopped working. We have noticed, that our indexer is also not running properly.
We suddenly get this error message in the log file:
Unknown column 'main_table.data' in 'field list'
After tracking down the errors, I found out, that it is this SQL, which causes the error:
SELECT `main_table`.`data`, `main_table`.`lifetime`, `main_table`.`expire`, `main_table`.`priority`, `additional_table`.*, `entity_attribute`.*, IFNULL(al.value, main_table.frontend_label) AS `store_label` FROM `eav_attribute` AS `main_table`
INNER JOIN `catalog_eav_attribute` AS `additional_table` ON additional_table.attribute_id = main_table.attribute_id
INNER JOIN `eav_entity_attribute` AS `entity_attribute` ON entity_attribute.attribute_id = main_table.attribute_id
LEFT JOIN `eav_attribute_label` AS `al` ON al.attribute_id = main_table.attribute_id AND al.store_id = 0 WHERE (main_table.entity_type_id = 10) AND (entity_attribute.attribute_set_id = '9') ORDER BY sort_order ASC
There is no data, lifetime, expire or priority in the eav_attribute table.
The same error occours if the indexer is running from shell... Indexer running from magento backend does NOT show any errors...
I hope someone could help me out, this is a mess...
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Re: Importing Products & Indexer Failures...
Hi @NilsHansen
Off the top of my head, it seems like some of the cache and indexers have been mixed up some how, since I can't really remember anywhere else where those three keywords (data, lifetime and expire), would apear otherwise.
I haven't ever enconterede the error before myself.