I want to limit the maximum orders to $5000 every month, please help to write a custom code. Every month my customer must be able to purchase for a maximum of $5000
@bvysakh Customer wise limit Or total limit $5000 ?
@GauravMehta04 customer wise, every customer must be able to purchase a maximum of $5000 per month.
customer wise, every customer must be able to purchase a maximum of $5000 per month.
Please see below extension & customize as per you need.
Every month my customer must be able to purchase for a maximum of $5000
Did not understand, can you clarify?
Every registered customers in my site must able to purchase the products for a maximum of $5000 a month we should restrict that customer if he purchasing more than that.
ie for eg: customer should be able to purchase the product for a maximum amount of $5000 in august and not more than that
he can only purchase for a maximum of $5000 in the next month