I'm using custom Magento Rest API, to create a new user, my postman request data is:
URL: http://megashopping.am/api/rest/register/store/1
content-type: application/json
Key: firstname
but I am having this error
{ "messages": { "error": [ { "code": 400, "message": "Decoding error." } ] } }
My XML file is
<extendrestapiregister translate="title" module="api2"> <group>extendrestapi</group> <model>extendrestapi/api2_register</model> <title>Register</title> <sort_order>10</sort_order> <privileges> <guest> <retrieve>1</retrieve> <create>1</create> </guest> </privileges> <attributes > <firstname>First Name</firstname> </attributes> <routes> <route_entity> <route>/register/:id/store/:store_id</route> <action_type>entity</action_type> </route_entity> <route_collection> <route>/register/store/:store_id</route> <action_type>collection</action_type> </route_collection> </routes> <versions>1</versions> </extendrestapiregister>
My Class is
<?php /** * Override for Magento's Catalog REST API */ class ITology_RestApi_Model_Api2_Register_Rest_Guest_V1 extends Mage_Api2_Model_Resource { /** * Create a customer * @return array */ public function _create(array $data) { return $firstName = $data['firstname']; } }
I can't find the way to check this error
Probably a late response but your content type is application/json when you are trying to post XML data