Is their any way i can set the order total data into quote, so on reorder page the discount gets applied same as the order page ?
I am using Magento EE ver. I have observed that shopping cart price rule does not apply on reorder from backend admin side.
It considers the original product amount instead of applying shopping cart price rule into order.
Scenario :-
Add shopping cart rule for fix $25 discount on all products.
Add product, rule applied, order placed with shopping cart rule considered. see here -
3. On reorder page shopping cart rule does on apply. see
here -
Is their any way i can set the order total data into quote, so on reorder page the discount gets applied same as the order page ?
Hello @hamendrasub7ef
Two tables are used for quote/cart data where you can check total, subtotal, applied cart rules etc :
1. sales_flat_quote
2. sales_flat_quote_item
Hope it helps !
Hello, thanks for your response.
Actually when i click on "Update Items and Qty's" button below items grid,
it applies the shopping cart rule but the shipping method then gets unselected.
I am not sure why is it so,
Also i have checked app/code/core/Mage/Adminhtml/Model/Sales/Order/Create.php
in that i get proper order details but when i check $quote->getData() , then it does not have the rule applied total in it.
& this happens after
$this->getQuote()->collectTotals(); returns object with subtotal without discount.