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Magento / Paypal Review Doble Grand Total

Magento / Paypal Review Doble Grand Total

I have a problem with one magento store that i am trying to set.

Actually, everything works fine until the paypal review screen step (all amounts in my cart and paypal are correct).

In the Paypal Review Screen the grandtotal results in the double of the amount that should to show.

You can see the problem in the next link>


Please Help Me!




Re: Magento / Paypal Review Doble Grand Total

What Paypal method do you use?

Do you have installed any 3-rd party extensions which affect price calculation?

Did you tried to disable all of 3-rd party extensions installed n your store?

Innovative, top-performing Magento Extensions (with an array of FREE tools).

Re: Magento / Paypal Review Doble Grand Total

I agree that this sounds like a problem caused by an extension. Magento without any extensions works correctly.


Over the years we (PayPal) have seen a number of problems with 1-page checkout extensions in particular. It's difficult for an extension provider to test all the possible payment solutions and PayPal can be more complex that some of the others because it's able to provide back shipping information and has additional features.


Install a clean version of Magento. Verify it works. Add one extension at a time and keep verifying until you find the one that caused the problem.


Good luck,


Jon Higby
PayPal Solutions Engineer

Re: Magento / Paypal Review Doble Grand Total

Hi guys,


Having exactly the same problem... So far I tried:


- updating magento from 1.9.1 to

- clearing all the cache and indexing

- checking that all shipping / payment / general setting countries are setup correctly


It happens only on paypal express checkout review page what makes it hard to track down. 

Re: Magento / Paypal Review Doble Grand Total

Has anyone found a solution for this?


I'm having this issue of double the total being displayed for all of my PayPal Express checkout customers and I can see I'm losing customers left and right!


It's odd how it displays exactly double the subtotal but the Quantity and Prices aren't doubled or anything.


Once you place the order, it still charges the normal amount.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated! 


*Note: I'm using IWD OnePage Checkout*

Re: Magento / Paypal Review Doble Grand Total

I find out the problem is in the theme files.

Mine is in template/checkout/cart/sidebar.phtml, which called



then the grand total is doubled.


I duplicate same line below it, then the grand total tripled. I don't know it's a bug or not.

Re: Magento / Paypal Review Doble Grand Total

Did you just comment out that line of code and have it work? I'm still having this issue and definitely narrowed it down to PayPal Express and as mentioned - only happening once returning from the PayPal login and on the store Review/Confirmation page.


Any updates from anyone?

Re: Magento / Paypal Review Doble Grand Total

Re: Magento / Paypal Review Doble Grand Total

I can't find the code "if (!(Mage::app()->getRequest()->getControllerName()=='onepage') && !(Mage::app()->getRequest()->getControllerName()=='cart')) {"

where the file?

Re: Magento / Paypal Review Doble Grand Total


if (!(Mage::app()->getRequest()->getControllerName()=='onepage') && !(Mage::app()->getRequest()->getControllerName()=='cart')) {

change to 

if (!(Mage::app()->getRequest()->getControllerName()=='onepage') && !(Mage::app()->getRequest()->getControllerName()=='cart') && !(Mage::app()->getRequest()->getControllerName()=='express')) {